Mythical Creatures Part 3

NOTE: I created this post to the best of my knowledge on this subject and have provided personal opinions and suggestions on each creature. In no way am I an expert on this subject and am learning still. Please keep this in mind while reading, thank you.

This is a continuation of creatures typically seen, heard, and read in fantasy type novels, video games, television shows, etc. This list will only contain some Fantasy fans favorite creatures, dragons.

Part 1 Mythical Creatures Part 1

Part 2 Mythical Creatures Part 2

Part 3 Mythical Creatures Part 3

Part 4 Mythical Creatures Part 4

Part 5 Mythical Creatures Part 5

Part 6 Mythical Creatures Part 6



Like a few other mythical creatures this one has been subject to change. The winged version has especially had several names from salamander, wyrm, drake, or just dragon. They are large, reptilian creatures capable of breathing fire, and fully covered in scales and sometimes many horns about their heads and neck. They have four legs and two webbed wings.



This creature from time to time, depending on the writer, has been known as a drake instead of a wyvern. Like drakes they have scales about their bodies along with many horns about their heads and neck and are capable of breathing fire. They have two legs and two webbed wings, the tip of their wings also act as hands.



This creature can also be considered a dragon. It has a long serpent like body similar to a snake with only two arms and no wings so it can’t fly. Some describe this creature being covered with fur instead of scales.



Now this is an interesting creature. Depending on who is doing the writing, this creature can be considered a dragon. This creature is very stag like with scales throughout its body with a long tail and two, long, thin whiskers on the side of their nose like a Chinese and Japanese dragon. The stag like features are the antlers, hooves, and even the face can be similar to a stag. It is sometimes known to be on fire.



This creature is very horse like with dragon features. It has horns about their head and fangs with a somewhat scaly face.

Dragon Turtle

Dragon Turtle

As what you’d expect from the name, the creature is part turtle and part dragon, minus the fire breathing of course. The shell is heavily spiked like a mountain with a reptilian head similar to a snapping turtle, reptilian claws or webbed feet, and a long reptilian or finned tail.



This dragon is a long, serpent creature similar to a snake but with four legs like a lizard and two, small, webbed wings. They can’t fully fly but they are capable of gliding and soaring. Like other dragons they are covered in scales and horns about their head.

Chinese Dragon

Chinese Dragon

Chinese and Japanese dragons can be mistaken at times but if you look close enough, you see that they both actually have some key differences. Both dragons are covered in scales with long whiskers on the side of their nose, almost like thin mustaches, and horns similar to tree branches. They are also long, serpent like creatures, similar to a snake with four legs and no wings. These creatures, unlike other dragons also have ears like a horse. The snout to this dragon is short and round with many small spikes going down the back to the tail. Sometimes, depending on who is doing the writing, they are covered in fire. Depending on who is doing the writing, they fly with the use of magic or they do have webbed wings but are apart of the legs connected to the body, giving them abilities to glide instead of fly.

Japanese Dragon

Japanese Dragon

Japanese and Chinese dragons can be mistaken at times but if you look close enough, you see that they both actually have some key differences. Both dragons are covered in scales with long whiskers on the side of their mouths, almost like thin mustaches, and horns similar to tree branches. They are also long, serpent like creatures, similar to a snake with four legs and no wings. These creatures, unlike other dragons also have ears like a horse. The snout is long and slim with soft, long or short hair going down their backs to the tail. Depending on who is doing the writing, they fly with the use of magic or they do have webbed wings but are apart of the legs connected to the body, giving them abilities to glide instead of fly.



This is a very interesting creature and also determines on who is doing the writing. This is a dragon covered in many scales and horns about their heads but their wings can either be fully feathered or webbed but have no legs as the creature is a long, serpent like creature similar to a snake. They can also have either two wings or multiple.



This dragon in no way can be mistaken for a kangaroo but it does move like those creatures and has a pouch over their belly to carry their young as well. They are fully covered in scales with horns about their head and neck and are capable of standing upright on their two hind legs with two somewhat small arms but their webbed wings are surprisingly small. They are in capable of flying but they can help reach taller heights when they make leaps.



These are very interesting dragons. Instead of scales they are mainly covered in fur with a scaly underbelly. They do have horns about their heads but instead of breathing fire they can breathe ice and are capable of withstanding the cold but also warm weathers. They have a long body with four legs and no wings.



Although these creatures can be mistaken for drakes with their four legs and two webbed wings, they are far from drakes as these creatures live in frozen tundras. Depending on who is doing the writing they are either made completely of  ice or they are just freezing to the touch. They are covered in scales or look like they are with horns about their heads and neck and breathe ice instead of fire.



Think of a velociraptor with two massive webbed wings and there you go, you have your dragonette. They are capable of standing upright on their two hind legs with somewhat small arms. They are fully covered in scales with horns about their heads. The tips of their wings cal also act as hands to help with grabbing things. On their tails, instead of spikes they have fins to help with flying.



These are very beautiful and adorable dragons. They have long bodies and sometimes either two or four legs. Their wings can vary but instead of webbed or feathered, they are insect like, mainly butterflies. They are scaly but have no horns and are small in size, not the size of an insect but of a bird.

If you guys have any questions about what I just went over please feel free to ask. I hope you liked my little insight on mythical creatures, I honestly can’t wait to hear some of the other creatures I have missed. If your favorite is not on this list please let me know so that I can add them as soon as I can. Please stay tune for next Wednesday for another post. Thank you all so much for reading and please have a wonderful day.