Revenge and Forgiveness Ch 2 Excerpt

Chapter 2

Kaius: To Tell or Not

Kaius stormed down the castle halls, trying to stifle the tears flowing down his face. Doubt and confusion threatened to consume his thoughts. Vincent’s words repeated again and again.

He’s just using you, Kaius!

“No, he isn’t. He wouldn’t.”

I can’t tell you anything.

“What does he mean by that? What’s stopping him?”

I’m just a weapon, and you a tool.

Kaius stopped in the middle of the hall, groaning in frustration. “NGH! What does he mean!?”

His head fell back, blinking away the tears. He took a deep breath and counted to ten, then exhaled with a long steady sigh. “He’s using me, using us both? But why would—” Kaius shook away the thought, hoping to rid himself of the doubt bubbling its way to the surface. “No. King Cecilio has been kind to us, given us a place in this city. Vincent is just—” he opened his mouth, but no more words came forth.

I don’t know you anymore.

His gaze slowly slid to the marble tile floor. A pang of guilt filled his chest. Why do I feel this way? He shut me out. I’m not the one keeping secrets!

No, but you’re not listening either.

Listening to what!? The accusations he levies at the King? The whole royal family!? BAH!

His fears could be justified. It’s likely there are things they aren’t telling you. Do you really know the family that well?

“SHUT UP! There are things Vincent isn’t telling me either. I know them well enough!” Kaius shouted in frustration. He startled as a castle servant walked by, eyeing him warily, causing Kaius to stutter out an apology.

With a groan, he balled a hand into a fist and rubbed his face with the other. “Dammit, why am I arguing with myself? This is ridiculous, I—” he paused, noticing a glass doorway before him, tall and ajar, leading out to one of the castle gardens. Two knights stood guard at the entrance, one at either side.

Kaius took a few steps toward the entryway. A cool, salty breeze brushed against his face. “Am I already at the Valencia Garden?” He walked through the doorway onto the large, lush balcony. “I guess so.”

He approached the twirling stone railing overlooking the garden, soaking in all of its beauty. The scent of roses, carnations, water lilies, blue bells, and many more flowers filled the air. A pungent sweet mixture of flora and sea salt wafted gently in the wind.

As he gazed over the garden, he spotted long strands of wavy brown hair and braids dancing in the wind behind a tree. Kaius’ heart fluttered as a soft breath escaped his lips. “Alaia.” Kaius jolted lightly, catching himself whispering the Princess’s name. He looked around anxiously and was relieved to find the two knights had not heard him.

That was close. I need to be more careful. Kaius took another deep breath and composed himself as best he could. He walked to the right, down several steps and onto the peach-toned cobblestone path leading to the Princess.

It had been some time since he last had the chance to converse with the Princess, almost eight months now, only able to see her in passing. The day of his knighting weeks ago was the longest he had seen her, and even then their time was short. She smiled proudly at him, but they were unable to speak freely due to her status as a royal, save for simple greetings or to answer direct commands.

In spite of this, they had managed to become quite close. Serving under the King allowed them to get to know one another. Their conversations were usually brief, often cut short by King Cecilio for bordering on familiarity. Due to these stolen moments, his heart was set a flutter every time she crossed his mind. Over time, he saw her less and less. He wondered if they had pushed their luck, if the King had taken steps to keep them apart, but knew better than to ask.

As he drew closer to the Princess swinging behind the tree, he cautiously navigated his way through the surrounding shrubbery, careful not to crush the flowers beneath his sollerets. Kaius looked down at the gazania flowers around the tree, recalling the Princess’s fondness for them, and stepped lightly.

“What’s with that frown mi caballero de brillante armadura?”*

Her voice startled Kaius, his breath catching in his throat. Princess Alaia sat comfortably on the vine covered swing, dressed in an extravagant pink and white gown, its edges decorated with gold filigree patterns. Her copper skin, although lightly shadowed by the mixed colored leaves of the tree, was radiant in the faint sunlight.

Surprised, he noticed the whites of her green eyes were reddened and the surrounding area was puffy. “Princess Alaia, is everything alright?”

Her smile grew a little wider, her head tilting against the rope of the swing. The loose strands of her hair slid off her bare shoulders. He saw an uncharacteristic weariness in her typically bright demeanor.

She exhaled softly and closed her eyes while slowly rocking on the swing. As her pink painted lips began to tremble, she stood and turned her back to him.

“It’s been a while, Kaius. Since the day of your knighting, correct?”

He found the sound of her voice soothing. Her tone was soft, though seemingly more reticent than when last they spoke.

Kaius’ gaze lingered on the Princess, taking in her beauty longer than one of his status should. Realizing this, he stiffened and looked away. “C-Correct, Princess.” With a faint chuckle, she embraced herself as one would in a chill air, rubbing her biceps. “Princess—”

“Kaius, a moment, please,” she said with a turn, now in profile to Kaius. Princess Alaia’s eyes lingered on the flowers before her, and her expression somber. “Padre* enjoys reminding me of my standing. As Princess and heir to the throne, I must uphold the image of royalty . . . Nobility must respect me and commoners must obey me. I’m not to have casual conversations with servants. Not even to ask how they’re doing, todo porque soy una maldita princesa!”*

Kaius winced, having never heard the Princess so frustrated, unsure of what to say. She glanced at him, and their eyes locked. Her glare then softened, and she bowed her head.

“Mis disculpas,* Kaius, today hasn’t . . . gone as well as I’d hoped.” Looking away to the flowers again, she crossed her arms loosely over her chest. “Malditas reglas.* If it’s alright with you, Kaius, can we drop the formalities and titles when it’s just the two of us? I’m . . . in desperate need of a friend, not a servant nor a knight. You’re all that I have.”

Kaius jolted at the Princess’s request, his cheeks blushing brightly red. What should I say? I know I should decline. The King has been quite clear on the subject. My place is to serve, and after everything he’s given my brother and I, it would be a dishonor to go against him. But how can I say no? What should I do?

“Is my request truly so odd?” She asked with a giggle, flashing him a warm smile.

He chuckled nervously. “A little. I remember those lectures from your father. You wanted a friend to play with, to talk to. So did I. He was quick to remind us of our stations, you as Princess and me as a servant. I felt sorry for getting you in trouble.”

“You shouldn’t feel sorry, Kaius. I was worried what Padre might do to you afterwards, but Madre* assured he would never lay a hand on you. He didn’t . . . did he?” Her brows curved upward in concern.

Kaius smiled softly and shook his head. “No, just scolded me.” His voice trailed off as he answered, Cecilio’s past words washing over him: I’m growing annoyed, Kaius. I will not remind you again. You are not of the same station as my daughter. You are not nobility. You are a servant. You wouldn’t want something unfortunate to befall your brother now, would you? Be mindful of your place, for the both of you.

Kaius pressed his fingertips to his stinging forehead, his heart quickening and head ringing. Wait, wha-what was that!? Did he really say that!? I must have misheard . . . Something gently squeezed both his arms. The scent of lantanas and Valencia roses filled his nostrils as he saw Alaia standing just before him, a look of concern on her face.

“Kaius what is it? Qué está mal?”*

His hand slid away from his face, his eyes wide and body trembling. “I-It’s nothing. I’ve just been dealing with a headache today, that’s all.” He looked down at the grass between him and Alaia. “Alaia, did you get into another argument with your father?”

Her concern then grew somber, her body straightening and standing nearly a head taller than him. She squeezed her left forearm nervously. “Did you have another argument with your brother?”

Kaius, not expecting her to answer with a question of her own, stumbled over his words. “Uh . . . Yes.”

“Hmm, I’m sorry to hear that. I wish you would tell me what it is that’s causing this rift between you two, but I know it’s of no use. Just know I’m here if you need someone to listen.” Princess Alaia smiled fleetingly, the expression quickly fading into a frown. “I, on the other hand, am having a similar situation with my father . . . lately. I’m not sure if he’s changed, or perhaps I never really saw who he truly is.” Her fingers tightened around each other, pressing deeply into her skin. “He and I don’t think alike. Not even close. I’ve learned so much about him. My family. It’s . . .” She returned her gaze to Kaius, worry and curiosity mixing in her green eyes, she continued. “Kaius, be honest with me, do you . . . really believe you owe my father for taking you and Vincent in?”

Taken aback, he stared at her silently for a moment, dumbfounded, then answered. “What—How do you—”

“Just answer me Kaius, please. I must know.”

“Well, yes.” Kaius’ lips stretched into a smile. “He called for a healer for my brother and I when he found us. He gave us food, bedding, and allowed us to work for him. I owe him so much—”

“You don’t owe my father a thing!” Kaius startled at her sudden change of tone, hearing the anger behind her words. Alaia’s brows furrowed heavily over her trembling eyes. “Kaius, I know this will be hard for you to hear, but you need to understand. He isn’t who you think he is. Don’t trust him.”

“What? Why? Ala—”

“Promise me!”

“I’m not going to promise that, not without an explanation. You sound just like Vincent.”

Alaia turned her back to him and pressed her fingers to the sides of her head, massaging her temples. “No, no! This isn’t right. Why can’t you . . . I should speak to Vincent—”

“Vincent! Why speak with him? Why is everyone keeping secrets from me!?”

Alaia paused. Her hands dropped to her sides and she straightened her dress. “Kaius, why did you come to see me?”

Stunned by the sudden change in subject, he balled his hands into fists, trying to control his aggravation. “I . . .” Kaius released a deep sigh, “have a message from your father.”

“I’ll consider listening to the message on one condition,” Alaia positioned her hands behind her back, intertwining her fingers, and turned to him with a small smile. “It’s been so long since we last spent time with one another. Why don’t we play a game of chase?” She gathered together large folds of her gown, lifted it up, and hopped over the flowers encircling them. “Catch me, and then maybe I’ll listen to his message.”

He startled forward after her with an outstretched hand. “Pri—Alaia, wait!” She rushed off and disappeared into the small garden maze before him, her head bobbing in and out of sight behind the floral trimmed hedges.

Kaius sighed in frustration and rubbed his forehead vigorously. “I swear, she was like this even when we were children. Avoid a conversation unless I . . .” A smile snuck its way on his face. “I play her game.” He looked down at his attire. There’s no way I’ll be able to catch her in all this armor. Instead of giving chase, Kaius carefully stepped over the flowers and leisurely made his way into the garden maze.

He placed a hand on his waist and tapped an index finger on his chin, pursing his lips with deliberation. “You know,” Kaius exclaimed, “it may have been a while, but I distinctly recall never being able to find you in here.”

Alaia’s muffled giggle sounded from behind the hedge at his side. He turned his head and looked over, just barely spotting the top of her head peeking over. “Gee, I wonder which way I should go?” Kaius announced playfully.

As he rounded the corner of a hedge, he quietly peeked and saw Alaia push away from the trimmed bush. She must not have been able to see me. I have to be quick before she rushes off again. Hopping out, Kaius gently grabbed her around the waist as Alaia let out a squeal and dropped the gathered fabric of her gown.

“Gotch—AGH!” Kaius, having lost his footing, accidentally stepped on the long fabric.

The two frantically stumbled back. Kaius landed hard on his back, his helm sliding clean off his head. Alaia fell forward, landing on his chest with a soft thunk, and lay as still as a statue.

Kaius stared up at the bright blue sky wide eyed, the fall leaves rustling in the wind. His arms remained wrapped around the Princess. Kaius’ heart fluttered wildly, feeling as though it could fly up and soar through the sky above.

He slid a hand off her and to the ground to get up. “We should really—”

“Don’t,” Alaia whispered, pushing him down, and laying her head on his chest. “Not yet. Let’s just . . . lie here a little longer. Please?” She pleaded, her voice cracked and dripped with melancholy.

He felt an unusual heaviness build within his chest and simply embraced her. The two lay there, undisturbed, and silent for a time.

Can I . . . Should I tell her how I feel?

I don’t see why not. Her smile. Her laugh. I can’t help but

But she’s a Princess.

So? What’s the worst that could happen, she says no?

She could laugh, or worse, tell her father.

Don’t be such a coward. Just tell her.

“Kaius?” Alaia called to him, interrupting his contemplation. He jolted, terrified that she may have somehow heard his thoughts. “Please, I’m not keeping secrets because I don’t trust you. Very far from it.” She slowly lifted her head off his chest, her eyes glossy and breath shallow. “It’s because I need to confirm something first. I need time. Do you . . . Do you understand me?”

She lifted herself lightly and leaned over him, her eyes meeting his. His breath was shallow and his heart drummed faster and faster. Alaia began to move, but not away, instead drawing closer to him.

Her wavy brown hair cascaded down to her sides. The sunlight bathed her in its glow, making her appear as though Bamiya, the Goddess of Beauty, had blessed the Princess in her radiant light.

His breath caught in his throat, just barely managing to swallow, their noses were mere inches apart. To his surprise, she stopped and withdrew a little, holding herself above him.

“Kaius, I have to ask, is there . . . something you would like to tell me?” Her voice was soft and sweet. Gold and pink gemstones hung from her neck and ears, sparkling in the sunrays.

He parted his lips, wanting desperately to tell her everything. How he enjoyed her playful demeanor, her tenderness when tending to orphans, how she twirled about to music playing in the streets of Rosado, and regularly going out of her way in seeking herbs and oils for the sick and wounded. However, the words never came, never escaped his lips. Kaius closed his mouth, lifted himself up, and helped the princess to her feet.

He turned around and retrieved his helm from the cobblestone path. You damn coward. Kaius slid the helm atop his head, trying his best to ignore the ache in his heart and the nagging regret filling his thoughts.

He turned to her with an outstretched hand. “King Cecilio wishes to speak to you in the throne room. Would you like me to escort you, Princess?”

Kaius hesitantly mustered the courage to look her in the eyes and there he saw it. Disbelief and hurt. Alaia averted her gaze, raising a hand to her face.

The moment was short, but to Kaius, it felt as though it stretched on for ages. It was as if the wind stopped blowing, the rustle of leaves and songs of birds fell deathly silent. Nothing he had weathered compared to the pain he felt, the regret and sorrow filling his every fiber. Just as it began, the moment ended.

The Princess gently took his hand, but refused to look at him. “Thank you, Sir Kaius, that would be nice.”

Chapter 2 End

Thank you all so much for reading this excerpt from my Chapter 2 of Revenge and Forgiveness. If you have any questions about my story then please feel free to ask. Thank you all so much for reading and please have a wonderful day.