
Hello everyone, I’m back to inform you that I am starting a new story while I am working on Valhalla. It will be a novella that I will throw on ebook when it is finished and edited. In case you don’t know what a novella is it is shorter than a novel.

Short Story – A story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate than a novel.

Novella – A short novel or long short story.

Novel – A fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism.

A short story is anywhere from 1500 to 30,000 words. A novella is anywhere from 30,000 to 60,000 words. A novel is anywhere over 60,000 words. In order to fit within a type of book, it would be a good idea to watch out for your word count when writing.

Now this novella is a type of rapture story. A massive city called Lumen Magnum in a large country called Marlela is home to a religion known as the Cristu faith. The entire country is run by the religious order ruled by a Papa Regem, a King. I borrowed heavily the religious rankings of the Catholic faith but because I need to focus on something specific in this story I won’t be going over it.

The story will be revolved around faith and how people perceive it and led to perceive it. The order is using the religion to control the masses, enslaving people who are different and murdering those who don’t convert. The Seraphim, with the permission of the mighty one above them, have allowed 7 demons to find 7 human hosts to purge the city from the world to hopefully save Eldara, the world, from damnation. In my story, the angels of Hevellum and the demons of Infernos have a much better relationship than most other interpretations of the two opposing sides. Some obviously don’t like each other but it is still somewhat a healthy relationship.

I participated in a contest on Wattpad, I lost, but a couple readers came forth wondering if I was ever going to go more in depth with the story because they really liked it. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I should because it didn’t win but I did like what I wrote. So my husband suggested writing it as a short story and sell it as an ebook for now, maybe with any income I can get from the story I can use the money to self-publish Valhalla. So I decided to turn it into a novella, mainly because after planning it I don’t think it can be short enough for a short story length book.

The story currently has no title nor a summary. I do have a placeholder title and I have an idea for a summary but I plan to get a second opinion first.

I have already done my research on Angels and Demons and Religion, build the world a bit, and finished up writing story bullets. The next step is the outline and then begin writing. I am still thinking about sketching out my characters so I can get a better visual on their appearance but I’m not sure yet. I will be sharing the progress here and on my YouTube account.

In case anyone is curious I do plan to post only the first 2 chapters of this novella. It is a lot shorter than Valhalla and won’t have as many chapters either which is why I will only post 2.

I think that will be all I will go over for this week. If you want to know more about this novella or Valhalla for that matter then please follow my blog. If you have any questions please let me know, I definitely want to hear them. Thank you so much for the read and please stay tuned for next Wednesday for another post on my novella.

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