I Got Married Today

Hey all I’m just letting you know that my fiance and I just went to a court house and got married. There won’t be a post today because I will be celebrating my marriage. Posts should continue as normal but note that I am still preparing for an October wedding. I hope everyone has a very fun week, much love all.

Mythical Creatures Part 6

NOTE: I created this post to the best of my knowledge on this subject and have provided personal opinions and suggestions on each creature. In no way am I an expert on this subject and am learning still. Please keep this in mind while reading, thank you.

Part 1 Mythical Creatures Part 1

Part 2 Mythical Creatures Part 2

Part 3 Mythical Creatures Part 3

Part 4 Mythical Creatures Part 4

Part 5 Mythical Creatures Part 5

Well here is a new list of mythical creatures, this time focusing on bird like creatures. I never realized the amount of flying creatures found in mythology until I go looking for them and I know there are probably some I’ve missed, and if I have then please let me know.


Basilisk Bird

As earlier this creature was once known as a basilisk but now the name has changed to a cockatrice, again depending on the writer. Descriptions are the same, a rooster like creature with either feathered or webbed wings and a snake tail. This creature was also known to breathe fire.



Think of a normal rooster but bigger and can breathe fire. So almost like a cockatrice minus the reptilian features.



This creature is a bird like beast on fire with the head of a dog. So it is almost similar to the phoenix but with the face of a dog and is not reborn in the ashes, also did I forget to mention vengeful.



This creature here has both features from a bird and a snake. It has a body of a snake but feathered wings, beaks, and sometimes feet of a bird. Depending on who is doing the writing they can actually have claws of a reptile or no feet at all and slither about like a snake or fly with its great wings.

Suzaku/Zhu Que/Jujak/Chu Turoc


This creature is very beautiful. It is always known to be read and similar to a pheasant with five, long, and colorful plumage coming from its tail. It is sometimes known to be on fire.



This is a large and powerful two headed bird creature.



Think of a large eagle that is able to stand up right like a man. Sometimes the creature has arms like a man or massive wings only. The creature is also powerful, able to fly very high into the sky.



This creature has a body of a dog with the head and feathered wings of a bird. Some have described it as an eagle head or a falcon.



Massive and powerful bird capable of carrying an elephant with ease. It is sometimes described as being fully white.



A bird like creature with a long golden beak, fully feathered body and wings, and black talons with round yellow eyes.



A large bird like creature with webbed wings. This creature is almost similar to a pterodactyl.



A crow with three legs.



A creature that is half eagle and half lion. The front half is eagle with feathered wings while the back half is lion.



A creature that is half falcon and half horse. The front half is falcon with feathered wings while the back half is horse.



This creature is a large bird normally in the shape of an X but still recognizable as a bird. It creates thunder storms and causes heavy rain.



A bird like creature that is either on fire or fully feathered. When the creature dies it is literally reborn in the ashes, meaning when it is time or it is killed it bursts into fire until there is nothing but ashes, and then it is reborn as a baby phoenix. They even have tears of healing.



This is a very interesting creature because it is part bear and part owl. Many have mainly used descriptions of a horned owl but I think you are very much free to use any owl, as for the bear, many have used grizzly bears because of their massive sizes but again I think you should be free to mix and match. Who says you can’t use a snowy owl and a polar bear together? Their back legs have normally been talons while the front is a bears paws. Another notable feature that always remains is the wings. The creature is also known to have fangs of a bear. Some have also described the creature as being able to fly like a griffon or a Pegasus while others describe them as only being able to glide because of its massive weight. You guys decide.

Now although I’ve split up the creatures list a bit I still feel like I’ve missed more. The bird list is done for now along with my mythical creatures list. I hope these lists help you at all in anyway, good luck in creating your world, I look forward to hearing about them.

If you guys have any questions about what I just went over please feel free to ask. I hope you liked my little insight on mythical creatures, I honestly can’t wait to hear some of the other creatures I have missed. If your favorite is not on this list please let me know so that I can add them as soon as I can. Please stay tune for next Wednesday for another post. Thank you all so much for reading and please have a wonderful day.