Mythical Creatures Part 5

NOTE: I created this post to the best of my knowledge on this subject and have provided personal opinions and suggestions on each creature. In no way am I an expert on this subject and am learning still. Please keep this in mind while reading, thank you.

Part 1 Mythical Creatures Part 1

Part 2 Mythical Creatures Part 2

Part 3 Mythical Creatures Part 3

Part 4 Mythical Creatures Part 4

Part 5 Mythical Creatures Part 5

Part 6 Mythical Creatures Part 6

Because of the amount of horse like creatures there are I decided to put them in their own list like the dragons. I’m debating to do the same with bird like creatures. Will have to wait and see next Wednesday.



This is a terrifying creature in my opinion. Think of the frailest looking horse imaginable with a really long mane and tail and very drenched. Depending on who is doing the writing the creature is described to have a fish tail instead of having back legs or a stag instead.



Think of a large sea serpent with a horses head. Depending on who is doing the writing can also be eel like.



This creature is really extraordinary in appearance. It is part lion, part elephant, and part horse. This is quite the combo and as you can see from the statue, the body is more horse like with lion features and tail, even the head is horse like with tusks and trunks similar to an elephant.



This creature is a unicorn meets a Pegasus. The horn on its head is much more curved and blade like then a unicorn with feathered wings like a Pegasus and depending on who is doing the writing the tail is either similar to a horse or a lion.



A half horse half rooster creature. The front half is a horse while the back half is a rooster with feathered wings and a tail.



A horse with feathered wings.



A horse with the tail of a lion, a beard of a goat, and a spiraling horn on the center of its forehead.



If you know what a sphinx is then I would say this creature would be a cousin to the sphinx. This creature has a full body of a horse or donkey with massive, colorful rainbow wings, however some have been adding a bit more to the creature. Instead of a normal horses tail some have given it a lions tail and as for the head some of have given it a bull, goat, ram, or ox’s head.



This creature can be mistaken for a kelpie and vice versa. It is a horse but described more as a sea creature. It still has its front legs but instead of hooves they are webbed fins, no back legs but a finned tail similar to a fish. It has many gills down its neck with more fins about its body to allow it to swim easily.

If you guys have any questions about what I just went over please feel free to ask. I hope you liked my little insight on mythical creatures, I honestly can’t wait to hear some of the other horse like creatures I have missed. If your favorite is not on this list please let me know so that I can add them as soon as I can. Please stay tune for next Wednesday for another post. Thank you all so much for reading and please have a wonderful day.

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