Mythical Creatures Part 5

NOTE: I created this post to the best of my knowledge on this subject and have provided personal opinions and suggestions on each creature. In no way am I an expert on this subject and am learning still. Please keep this in mind while reading, thank you.

Part 1 Mythical Creatures Part 1

Part 2 Mythical Creatures Part 2

Part 3 Mythical Creatures Part 3

Part 4 Mythical Creatures Part 4

Part 5 Mythical Creatures Part 5

Part 6 Mythical Creatures Part 6

Because of the amount of horse like creatures there are I decided to put them in their own list like the dragons. I’m debating to do the same with bird like creatures. Will have to wait and see next Wednesday.



This is a terrifying creature in my opinion. Think of the frailest looking horse imaginable with a really long mane and tail and very drenched. Depending on who is doing the writing the creature is described to have a fish tail instead of having back legs or a stag instead.



Think of a large sea serpent with a horses head. Depending on who is doing the writing can also be eel like.



This creature is really extraordinary in appearance. It is part lion, part elephant, and part horse. This is quite the combo and as you can see from the statue, the body is more horse like with lion features and tail, even the head is horse like with tusks and trunks similar to an elephant.



This creature is a unicorn meets a Pegasus. The horn on its head is much more curved and blade like then a unicorn with feathered wings like a Pegasus and depending on who is doing the writing the tail is either similar to a horse or a lion.



A half horse half rooster creature. The front half is a horse while the back half is a rooster with feathered wings and a tail.



A horse with feathered wings.



A horse with the tail of a lion, a beard of a goat, and a spiraling horn on the center of its forehead.



If you know what a sphinx is then I would say this creature would be a cousin to the sphinx. This creature has a full body of a horse or donkey with massive, colorful rainbow wings, however some have been adding a bit more to the creature. Instead of a normal horses tail some have given it a lions tail and as for the head some of have given it a bull, goat, ram, or ox’s head.



This creature can be mistaken for a kelpie and vice versa. It is a horse but described more as a sea creature. It still has its front legs but instead of hooves they are webbed fins, no back legs but a finned tail similar to a fish. It has many gills down its neck with more fins about its body to allow it to swim easily.

If you guys have any questions about what I just went over please feel free to ask. I hope you liked my little insight on mythical creatures, I honestly can’t wait to hear some of the other horse like creatures I have missed. If your favorite is not on this list please let me know so that I can add them as soon as I can. Please stay tune for next Wednesday for another post. Thank you all so much for reading and please have a wonderful day.

Mythical Creatures Part 4

NOTE: I created this post to the best of my knowledge on this subject and have provided personal opinions and suggestions on each creature. In no way am I an expert on this subject and am learning still. Please keep this in mind while reading, thank you.

This list will actually be different from all the ones I did before as this time I will be focusing on mythical races seen and read in Fantasy. There are, I believe, a lot of races in Fantasy that have been used many times, as other authors just create their very own. This list will only focus on the over used races.

Part 1 Mythical Creatures Part 1

Part 2 Mythical Creatures Part 2

Part 3 Mythical Creatures Part 3

Part 4 Mythical Creatures Part 4

Part 5 Mythical Creatures Part 5

Part 6 Mythical Creatures Part 6



The focus race in a lot of Fantasy stories, humans. They are you and me, we are humans. Descriptions and ability is determined by you, the creator.

High/Light Elves


High Elves or Light Elves, whichever wording you’d like to choose, can also be up to interpretation but their appearance is light or pale with long pointed ears. Their skin is light, almost pale, with hair ranging anywhere from white to yellow with bright colored eyes. Elves have known to be fairly tall, about the same height or taller than humans. Their clothing make them appear radiant or heavenly. Abilities can be up to you.

Wood Elves


Wood Elves also have long pointed ears but they are somewhat darker in appearance. Their skin can range anywhere from fair to copper. Hair ranges anywhere from golden yellow to black. Their eyes are also known for being darker or just being similar to woodland colors. Elves have known to be fairly tall, about the same height or taller than humans. Their clothing is meant to be more woodland, almost appearing native or druid like. Abilities are up to you.

Dark Elves

Dark Elves

Dark Elves have long pointed ears but have a very dark appearance. Hair, eyes, even their skin can be dark but some opt with grey or pale grey or white. Elves have known to be fairly tall, about the same height or taller than humans. Their clothing have always been up to interpretation, but some make them evil because of their names. Note: Because Dark is in the name does not mean they should be automatically evil. Abilities are up to you.

Half Elves


Half Elves have a mix of human and elvish qualities. Their ears are pointed but much shorter than other elves. Male Half Elves are capable of growing facial hair like humans but well kempt and kept short where the other elvish races are not. Appearances also range similarly to humans, including in height and clothing. Abilities are up to you.



Dwarves are much shorter than humans, ranging anywhere from 4’0 to 5’0. Depending on the creator they can have pointed ears or round but the male Dwarves always have beards, long or short. Appearances ranges similarly to humans. Clothing have been up to interpretation. Abilities are up to you.



Gnomes are very short, ranging anywhere from 3’0 to 4’0. Many mistake them for children unless they have facial hair or wrinkles. Appearances are similar to humans but clothing have been known to be brighter and cheerful. Abilities are up to you.



Orcs have been very much up for interpretation. They have been known to be tall, about 6’0 to 7’0, and very muscular with pointed ears, long or short, and sharp tusks protruding from the bottom of their mouths. Abilities are up to you.



Goblins are another race up for interpretation. They are small but should never be underestimated. They fall anywhere between 3’5 to 4’5. They are known for having long, pointed ears and less then four digit toes and fingers. Abilities are up to you.



These beings are normally beautiful and holy in appearance. They have the appearance of humans along with their height or taller. These beings are graceful and powerful with massive white wings to allow them to fly through the skies and into the heavens. Some describe them with halos or wearing armor to protect them when in battle with demons of hell. The amount of wings on their back is sometimes described dependant on their angelic rank, the rank is dependant on you along with their abilities.

Fallen Angels


These beings are almost the complete opposite of Angels. They also have the appearance of humans along with their height or taller. These beings sadly have fallen from grace so most of their clothing and armor is black, tattered, and sometimes described bounded by chains. Their wings are also black and broken or with massive missing plumages. Some have even described them to be a bit more hellish in appearance by giving them demonic qualities such as horns and the like but their feathered wings stay as a reminder of what they once were. Abilities are up to you.



Demons have always been up for interpretation. They can either have the more human appearance or more of a monstrous appearance. Horns, webbed wings, and a barbed or spear tail is the frequent feature for this race. Abilities are up to you.



Gremlins can be shorter than Gnomes, going anywhere from 2’5 to 3’5. This race is also up for interpretation. They are known for having pointed ears, long or short, and sharp fangs and claws. Abilities are up to you.



Vampires have at times been up for interpretation but the repeating feature is that they look and are dead. They have pale skin, cold to the touch, and sometimes glowing red eyes. Some creators try something new with their eyes like icy blue, silver, or black. Some either have the vampires turn into a monstrous bat or summon wings from their bodies to fly. Sometimes they have short pointed ears or just normal round ones. They do look like humans but if you have other races in your world you can make them any race. They suck blood and either turn other races into their ranks, give birth to vampires, or turn them into mindless ghouls to control. Abilities are up to you.

Were Creatures


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These races are forcibly or willingly capable to turn into humanoid animals, the more popular is the Werewolf, Werecat, Werebat, and Werebear. Like Vampires you can either specify them to humans only or other races can turn into such creatures. Abilities and transformations are up to you.



Fairies are very small, about 1’0 to 2’0. This race is also up for interpretation, wings especially as some go the insect route or floral leaf route. They basically look like humans but with pointed ears, long or short. Their attire has also been very floral or leaf in appearance. Abilities are up to you.



Trolls have always been up for interpretation as some either do monstrous or more humanoid appearances. They are very tall, about 6’5 to 7’5. They have long tusks protruding from the bottom of their mouths and less then four digit toes and fingers. Abilities are up to you.



Dragonborn is another race up for interpretation. They either have a more human appearance or more of a dragon appearance. The features that remains is webbed wings, horns, a tail, and the capability to breathe fire. They are known to be taller than humans, about 6’0 to 7’0. Abilities are up to you.



This race is half human and half horse. The human appearance is very similar to humans minus size as half of the body is that of a horse making them very tall. Abilities are up to you.



Mermaids are always up for interpretation. They are half human and half whatever aquatic creature you want, it can be either a dolphin, lion fish, man’o’war, octopus, etc. Abilities are up to you.

Ents and Dryads


Ents and Dryads have been known to be together depending on who is telling the story, other than that they have also been separate. Ents are pretty much walking trees with faces, arms, and legs. Dryads look somewhat human but have much more plant and nature about their body. Abilities are up to you.



Satyrs are half human and half goat. Although the top half is human they still have a lot of goat features such as horns, hairy arms, and long ears similar to a goat. Abilities are up to you.



Harpies have been known to be female only but some have been having fun creating male Harpies as well. They are half human and half bird. Their top half is human but instead of human arms they have massive wings to carry them and legs of a bird. Abilities are up to you.



Giants are well massive, human like creatures with profound facial features. They have also been up for interpretation at times especially their sizes, making them anywhere from 7’0 to 8’0 or much, much bigger. Abilities are up to you.



Nagas are half human and half snake. Although top halves have been human some add more snake like features to their faces or in Medusa’s case, snake for hair. Abilities are up to you.

If you guys have any questions about what I just went over please feel free to ask. I hope you liked my little insight on mythical races, I honestly can’t wait to hear some of the other races I have missed. If your favorite is not on this list please let me know so that I can add them as soon as I can. Please stay tune for next Wednesday for another post. Thank you all so much for reading and please have a wonderful day.