Mythical Creatures Part 2

NOTE: I created this post to the best of my knowledge on this subject and have provided personal opinions and suggestions on each creature. In no way am I an expert on this subject and am learning still. Please keep this in mind while reading, thank you.

This is a continuation of creatures typically seen, heard, and read in fantasy type novels, video games, television shows, etc. If by any chance you come upon a mythological creature that has human features, you can change it to make it more animalistic in appearance so long as the base of what the creature truly is remains, such as a sphinx. It has a lions body with a human head, instead of a human head or even a lion, why not give it a goats head or a dragons head to give it that more mythical feel to the creature.

Part 1 Mythical Creatures Part 1

Part 3 Mythical Creatures Part 3

Part 4 Mythical Creatures Part 4

Part 5 Mythical Creatures Part 5

Part 6 Mythical Creatures Part 6



Now this creature here has been known to have some differing of appearances. The creature is known to be wolf like but has varying legs. Some have this creature with having lions legs and paws, others have it that only the front legs are either eagles talons or goat legs and hooves. It has a tail of a lion but sometimes is described with having beaks instead of sharped fanged jaws of a wolf. It also has been mistaken for a griffon at times but note this creature does not have wings so it can not fly.



Think of a dog but born of magma. There is no fur but it has sharp piercing fangs and claws, and with eyes of fire. Sometimes this creature is described to breathe fire.



This is another creature up for interpretation but it has always been either a dog or a wolf with pure black fur and eyes as red as blood. Some describe the creature with having fire wrapped around its feet like a clydesdales long hairs about its hooves, a spade or spear shaped tail, or it is either fully on fire or dead like. What I mean by dead like is there is no fur, no skin, just bloodied muscles with a skull helmet of a wolf. Some have even described it breathing fire.



This is another creature up for interpretation. You can either go the route of demonic description or animalistic description. Some who have come to describe imps go a more demon route but a bit small. They enjoy playing tricks on people so very similar to sprites in that regard. They have red skin, horns, spear shaped, spade shaped, or scorpion tail, webbed wings, hooves for feet, claws, or talons, sharp clawed hands with small tusks protruding from their mouths. The animal route is either a monkey or a lemur with webbed wings and horns of a goat or a ram. So think of a flying monkey from wizard of oz and there is an imp.



Basically, a giant spider capable of turning into a woman. The male version is called a Jukujikun. Some lately have taken to describe the creature to be more spider like in appearance then human, such as using reference from spiders native only to Japan. Some have even described the creature as being able to breathe fire.


This creature, like the kraken, can be up for interpretation. You can either go the route of a reptilian serpent or a massive sea creature similar to a megalodon or a mosasaurus with large, webbed, fins and piercing fangs.


This creature is another one up for interpretation but the main appearance of a naga that always stays the same is part snake. Many have stripped away the more human side of the creature in favor of a more, well creature like appearance. On land it is more reptilian, similar to a bearded dragon or an iguana. In the sea people have described them to be more fish like but still keeping the snake appearance while decorating it as a lion fish, a puffer fish, or a beta fish.



This is another creature similar to a sphinx. This is another creature to have different appearances. Some have used the body of a bull or a lion but the head has always been a lion with either hooved feet, lions paws, or reptilian claws. Another beautiful feature of this creature is the colorful rainbow wings.



This is another creature up for interpretation. The creature has normally been described as being a massive turtle with a dangerously spiked shell. It has six legs and a long spiked tail. The head can either be similar to a snapping turtle or a lion and you can either give it paws similar to a lion or a reptiles.



Now this is quite the creature as it has been described in numerous ways but the feature that has always stayed is the six legs, a spiked back, a set of pincers on the side of its mouth, and plated scales. You can definitely go the reptilian route with describing this creature if you want. You can always go a bit more by giving it a scorpion tail or a barbed tail to make it more dangerous if you want. The feet has always been interesting to me as they only have two nibs per feet, always clawed and sharp but I doubt they are capable of climbing or grabbing.



I may have found the best description ever, wolf headed dragon. The head is very much a wolf but the body is either to be wolf like or it is fully wolf. The body can be described to be fully reptilian or partially with massive webbed wings. There are no paws only reptilian claws. The tail can also be described as on fire or just normal reptile like while the creature itself is capable of breathing fire.



This creature can be mistaken for a leviathan. A sea creature with a long neck and tail and simple fins similar to a blue whale. It doesn’t have gills so it will need to go to the surface of the water for air, sharped fangs, and you can decide of the scales, reptilian or fish like?


This creature is a cross between a jaguar and a macaw. Aside from their wings, they have feathers on the back of their legs and on the end of their tails.

Well here is another list of mythical creatures and again, this isn’t all of them. The next list I will actually focus on dragon creatures, so any dragons that are on these two lists I have will be removed and placed in the third list instead to help keep track. As a reminder your story can be the most fantastical of worlds or the most terrifying. It all depends on what you have in mind for your characters to face or trust.

If you guys have any questions about what I just went over please feel free to ask. I hope you liked my little insight on mythical creatures, I honestly can’t wait to hear some of the other creatures I have missed. If your favorite is not on this list please let me know so that I can add them as soon as I can. Please stay tune for next Wednesday for another post. Thank you all so much for reading and please have a wonderful day.